Smiling Community. Club Pikolinos

Subscribe and access exclusive benefits and promotions

What are the benefits of being a member of our Smiling Community?

Free cleaning products to keep your Pikolinos like new

We make it easy for you to keep your shoes looking brand new.*

Extended returns period

The exchange or returns period of your Pikolinos will always be extended to 60 days, so you can think carefully about your purchases.

We'll be thinking of you on your birthday.

We want it to be a special day. That's why you'll get a discount so you can celebrate by wearing new shoes.

Early access to offers and promotions

You'll be able to enjoy our promotions before anyone else, as we'll take your loyalty into account when activating any offer in our online store.

Welcome discount

And of course, we'll welcome you with open arms and you'll receive a special discount code for your first purchase as a member of our club.

Pikolinos Experience Draw

Visit the footwear city, our facilities and production centres; tour Elche, eat in the city's most exclusive restaurants and see the largest palm grove in Europe. And all with the comfort of a very special new pair of Pikolinos shoes.

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